
To my job.

  I blog mostly about my life at home. However, circumstances at my job have escalated my time spent there, and discontentment has crept into my daily perspective. This is absurd due to the fact that while currently demanding, I have the second coolest job in the world...

 4-Her's at the Plant a Row for the Hungary Garden

I get to teach kids about gardening. Who does that? My actual job is an environmental educator with the 4-H program in UGA Extension Office in Fayette County. Most people have no idea that my office even exists which is a darn shame...

Booth Middle School Garden

The cooperative extension offices of the University of Georgia started in the early 1900s to help people me knowledgeable about farming. Now, there is an office in every county in Georgia (and America) Who's soul occupation is to service the community in their farming, gardening, and horticultural needs, and to motivate the youth in that community to learn and engage in the world around them thought th 4-H program. Nice thing is, we are free. Yep! Thats right. Your hard earned tax dollars at work.

So this mean I get to go into the school systems and teach kids about all sorts of things, recycling, water conservation, soil sciences, ecosystems ect. And I get to do after school clubs teaching everything from cooking to goats, and community service! So as my job is a little more time consuming than I would like at the moment, I'm remembering how faithful God is, and how much he has blessed me.

Before - pile of with weeds       After: respecable fall garden


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