
12 Days od Craftmas # 11 The Cape

 For my darling Brittany, i made a Cape. It is reversible with green velvet on one side and a patterned faux suede velvet on the other, with the intent that it could be bother regal or taken for a hike. This is about a 1.5 hour project, so if you can get some velvet or other fabrics on sale, its a great present, one of a kind!


12 Days of Craftmas #10 The Quilt

So, for my mom I waned to do something special and practical. My parent have a cabin in the mountains so I thought maybe something for that, then I thought of a quilt. It is a very non-traditional quilt. I used microfiber just because it was SO soft and ended up being cheaper than buying fabric from a fabric store! I just bought a king sized blanket from wal-mart and cut it up, attached it to the quilt portion and WALLAH!

My mom loved it! So much in fact she for a while refused to take it to the mountain cabin.

FYI: Microfiber is not kind to mistakes, you cannot rip seams out of it without tearing a whole in the fabric! About $25 and 5 hours of work.