
SWEET! Potatoes

 Sweet Potatoes are known for being a apart of the fall season harvest, but like pumpkins, they need a long growing season. I planted Beauregard Sweet potato transplants in May. I didn't plant them in a raise bed, just in dirt, covered with plastic mulch, with drip tape. I waited, and waited, I would have forgot about them except the vine were taking over more than half of the back row. When I pulled up a few vines, some of the potatoes were really huge. One would feed me, jesse, and make like 4 meals for Soren.

I cannot tell you how joyfull anticipation of digging up something in the ground that you planted, thats been growing for 3 months, that you can take to the kitchen immediatly and eat. I think the anticipation of harvesting new crops used to coincide with seasonal holiday excitment. It's fun to feel what people for the last 2,000 years have felt, that many americans don't have the privlege of exsperiencing.

Sweet Potatoes are fast becoming a favorite of mine, you really don't have to 'preserve them' you just dig them up, and let the sun 'cure' or dry in the sun a few days, then just stick them in a cool place.

Sweet Potatoes are amazingly simple. You can make fries our of them, boil and mash them, make muffins or bead, and of course Sweet Potato Soufflé. Fries are the easiest, cut them, fry them, delicious...


  1. I LOVE your blog! I failed at my garden this year majorly. You're inspiring me to do better next year.

    Like you, I love the feeling of digging up something I grew!

    Let me know if you want to sell any produce. I've been looking for a good farmers market but can't find one :/

  2. I make my sweet potato fries in the oven, and they are still super yummy. I usually slice them more like steak fries. Toss them with olive oil, salt pepper and a little bit of rosemary, then lay in a single layer on pan and bake at about 400 for 8-10 minutes on each side. Super Delicious!
    BTW, I ended up baking and mashing that HUGE sweet potato you gave me and it was so yummy! It fed the three of us, and I think we made three leftover plates with it. So Big!
