
My Gardening Goals and My Catchy Alliteration Skills

*I debated on whether to make this blog bloggy, like verbal diarrhea of everything I am thinking or feeling. OR an informative step by step process as to how to garden. Since I am pathologically indecisive, both audiences must go dabble through both my rantings, and my lists. Tough.

Ha, audiences. Pretentious.

1. My goal is to make 90% of the fresh produce I consume.
2. I am broke as a joke, so I also want to recover my cost in the first year, which I hear is impossible, which just excites me. I spend about $10 a week on produce, so during harvest season assuming I don’t can -May-September) I’d spend about $250 on produce. I have a possible option of selling to friends and family if I have excess. Right now I am aiming for a $400.00 budget for the fence, beds, cold frame, soil, plants, and tools. Geez, I am ambitious.
3. Anything I can recycle instead of buy, I will.
4. Teach my son where food comes from.
5. Bless others with the fruit (and vegetables) of my labor! (and God’s grace)
6. Blog with video/photos at least twice a month.

Picture: future suburban garden plot

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