
Strawberries: training runners

Strawberries are the easiest fruit to plant in your home garden.
You can plant plugs (small transplants) in November from your regional fruit supplier- i recommend Ison's nursery, or you can buy larger transplants from your local garden center in march.  

Baby strawberry

 One strawberry plant only produces berries it's first year. Then they are unique in that they send out runners to make baby plants. Their babies will produce the next year and so the cycle of life continues on. For the gardener, this means that you only have to buy a plant once!

Because of this, it is up to the Gardener to dug up their old vines and 'train' the baby plants. Here is a video about training you strawberry runners the second year.

After I dug up parrent plant
Overgrown Bed

Plant baby plants and rebury drip tape

Baby Strawberries replanted and mulched

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I guess I need to do this with my plants sometime this week. Thanks for the tip!
