
Gnome-ing It Up.

I kept my offspring alive for a whole year!!! 
To celebrate, i threw a party.
Soren's birthday party was woodland themed. I know i wanted it outside, and since I'm obsessed with woodland forest friends, we already had all of the decorations! A bonus was I helped throw a baby shower the night before, and had some leftover food. Score! My Sister made his owl cake and all these pictures are compliments to Meagan O Photography. I have such talented friends!

Can i just say, i have the coolest kid in the world. He always wakes up happy, loves all my jokes, and runs and hugs me whenever i ask. What more could a mommy want?

His favorite things to do include eating, setting the thermostat, and dancing to Taylor Swift.

His favorite word is YES! he says it 100 times a day. 
                                                           He prefers African Americans.

I don't deserve him.
I made Gnome hats for Soren's Party favors. The kids were adorable, if you want to learn...  

So, making each hat took about 14 ½ minutes. However it took like 2 hours to get the original shape right and the sizing right for babies, kids, and adults. These hats are reversible. Get two pieces of fabric.Fabric often has a 'good' side and a 'bad' side. The fabric i used here was interchangeable- that makes it easier. 1/3 a yard will make 2 pieces (of the same) fabric. so you may as well get 2 different fabrics (1/3yard) pieces and make one for a friend.
  1. Cut a shape that looks like the first picture. I did it this way rather then cutting 2 separate panels because it keeps you from having to put a seem up the front of the hat (note, you can fold the fabric and do the gnome hat shape from the profile perspective- picture 2)
  2. Fold in half ( inside out-good sides together) seem down the side only ( side the maker is pointing to)
  3. Repeat for both fabrics.
    At this point you should have 2 different color hats. Turn both inside out (should already be)
  4. Now that they are inside out turn one upside down and set on table, then take the other one, place on top of it, so that the fabric shapes match up, You should be looking at the ugly side of both. (the good sides are touching and inside) Seem around the the entire shape (leaving about 4 inches whole open)
  5. flip everything through the whole you left. Now you are looking at the good sides. Tuck one of the hats inside the other, seem up the whole and WALLAH.


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