I happen to be mother to the cutest kid on the planet. His name is Søren, and he is the stuff. He can sit up, thinks I’m hilarious, and smiles at me every time I look at him, what can beat that? His new favorite game it wack. wack. wack. drop (mothers of 6 months old, you know what I mean).
I am not the most cautious person in the world. I thought being a mother would change that, it didn’t. We live in a culture that is very motivated by fear, since I fear little, its hard for me to jump through the modern day mommy hoops. For example, when I left the hospital, a very professional, serious looking doctor told me about 20 common ways I could kill my kid and at the end of her uplifting speech she told me to feed Søren every 2 hours. everyday. I was a dumb new mother, wanting to be commanded so I said ‘of course I will’ and meant it. We got home and the kid would not eat. He was sleepy and I had a nervous breakdown because I was sure I would be the first mom to starve her child within 2 hours of bringing him home. He lived, and I realized about a day later, that doctors are pretty much out of their minds. I snapped back into myself. I’m this precious angels mother, and what I say goes. He ate every 4 hours, gained weight fine and is one of the happiest alert babies I’ve seen. He sleeps on his tummy, and has never touched hand sanitizer, bathes once a week (if that) yet is rarely ever sick.
Fear gives birth to insecurity, insecure mothers are unhappy mothers. Be Strong and free for your little one! The more we fear, the less time we love. God created that little one in your tummy out of nothing, I think he can keep you baby healthy ad strong. Enjoy your babe, he is a gift. No fear.
There is no fear in love; but perfect love cast out fear: because fear torments. He that fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
Dre- I really like this post. It's very honest, sensitive, but assertive. :)