Once your soil is tested, follow their recommendations
if your PH is too high add sulfur, too low add lime. Most Ga soil needs lime (unless planting blueberries)try and mix it in the fall before the growing season!
Add the amount of 10-10-10 the soil test recommends. If you want to be totally organic, good luck you will be shoveling poo poo till you die. Obviously some plants want more of something than another, but I am talking soil prep here, not individual plant needs.
I used 40% Georgia nasty clay, 25% sifted Top Soil Delivered by the scoop (from any landscape company)20% bagged top soil, and 15% bagged compost. No secret recipe, the price was right and the spirit moved.
+ Sifted Topsoil
+ 10-10-10
+ bagged topsiol and compost= AWSOME
Beautiful! I'm super jealous of your garden. We don't have near enough land to do something like this, but I have a few plants started in pots, because of the lack of space. :)