There are basically 3 growing cycles Cool Jan-may. Warm March-August. And Cool again May-September. Cool season crops I chose: carrot, celery, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, Indoor and outdoor herbs: cilantro, basil, oregano, lavender, mint, rosemary.
I am starting plants from seed because its cheap. Not easy but not particularly hard either.
Seed. I purchased my BURPEE seeds from Home Depot. I did this because they sell smaller quantities than catalogs=cheaper. They are warranted, but the drawback is you loose variety selection that are more disease resistant and better producers.
Growing medium: high tech word for dirt! I also bought seed starting mix from there. Its $4 for a tiny bag, but for a home garden its all you need and it is already fertilized. Mixing my own would have cost more.
Sunlight: I have one south facing window. So that’s what I used
Heating pad- not necessary if your house stays warm, but I didn't wanna give these buggers any reason noy to sprout.
CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP- I used recycled egg cartons for seed containers MAKE SURE YOU SANATIZE WITH BLEACH!. ½ a two litter coke bottle for greenhouse cover. I chopped up old plastic blinds for labels.
WATER- must keep soil damp. not wet. damp.
WATER- must keep soil damp. not wet. damp.
Seeds domed by coke bottles . Seed mix. Egg carton and 'blind' lables